The objective of the Capital Projects Fund (CPF) Advancing Digital Opportunities to Promote Technology (ADOPT) 2.0 program administered through the KOBD is to provide access to free high-quality, reliable public Wi-Fi based broadband in Kansas. Public Wi-Fi applications will be accepted with priority given to applications that address unserved and economically distressed areas which have a compelling need for free  Wi-Fi based broadband services that bridge critical access gaps to support quality of life considerations. Applicants are expected to engage community leaders and stakeholders in the development of projects that will benefit Kansas citizens and communities.   

Please visit the ADOPT Program website for all required application documents and the program guidelines.

Key information for the program is as follows: 

  • Total program funding available:  Up to $10.7M in grant awards will be available across both sub-programs for applications best meeting the program guidelines
  • Solicitation date:  December 11, 2024
  • Application window: Eight (8) weeks
  • Targeted award date:  June 16, 2025
  • Project period: December 1, 2024, through September 30, 2026
  • Maximum individual award: $1,000,000 
  • Minimum applicant match:  5% of the total project cost 
  • Minimum co-investment amount: 2% of total project cost 
  • Funding source: Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF), established by Section 604 of the Social Security Act, as added by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
  • KOBD reserves the right to distribute funds geographically to ensure Kansans can equally benefit from the program
  • Governing Compliance Reference:  Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) applies to this program, including the Cost Principles and Single Audit Act requirements. Additionally, 2 CFR 200.471 and 2 CFR 200.216 identify specific telecommunications and video surveillance costs that are unallowable. 
  • U.S. Treasury Guidance: Guidance For the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund for States, Territories & Freely Associated States 2021 and Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund Compliance and Reporting Guidance for States, Territories, and Freely Associated States, August 2024
  • Investments in Capital Projects must be carried out in ways that comply with applicable federal laws, including Public Law 115-232, Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2019. It contains prohibitions on the use of grant funds to procure or obtain certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment provided or produced by designated entities, including certain entities owned or controlled by the People’s Republic of China. The grantee will be required to certify that it shall not provide or procure to the State of Kansas or any agency thereof any covered telecommunications equipment either in whole or in part of any product or during the commission of any service
  • “Public Wi-Fi” is defined as Wi-Fi solutions that are capable of delivering qualifying broadband speeds serving a specific geographic area with user end points connecting directly to the public Wi-Fi infrastructure 

See “Common Program Attributes” for program requirements applicable to both the Public Wi-Fi and Equipment Distribution sub-programs.

The Advancing Digital Opportunities to Promote Technology (ADOPT) 2.0 program has been established by KOBD to award Capital Project Fund (CPF) grant dollars to eligible entities to make devices available to individuals who do not subscribe to broadband connectivity due to lack of devices and equipment.  For qualifying individuals, the program makes devices such as computers, laptops, and tablets available through a no-cost, short or long-term loan programs administered by eligible entities.  The primary objective of this program is to award funding to eligible entities to distribute no-cost devices and equipment (computers, laptops and tablets) to critical need individuals who lack devices and equipment. Eligible entities (i.e. subrecipients) will retain ownership of the devices throughout the term of the loan. 

Please visit the ADOPT Program website for all required application documents and the program guidelines.

Key program information is as follows:

  • Total program funding available:  Up to $10.7M in grant awards will be available across both sub-programs for applications best meeting the program guidelines
  • Solicitation date:  December 11, 2024
  • Application window: Eight (8) weeks
  • Targeted award date: June 16, 2025
  • Project period: December 1, 2024, through September 30, 2026
  • Maximum individual award: $500,000
  • Minimum applicant match:  2% of total project cost
  • Minimum co-investment amount: 1% of total project cost
  • Funding source: Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF), established by Section 604 of the Social Security Act, as added by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. 
  • KOBD reserves the right to distribute funds geographically to ensure Kansans can equally benefit from the program
  • Governing Compliance Reference: Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) applies to this program, including the Cost Principles and Single Audit Act requirements. Additionally, 2 CFR 200.471 and 2 CFR 200.216 identify specific telecommunications and video surveillance costs that are unallowable 
  • US Treasury Guidance: Guidance For the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund for States, Territories & Freely Associated States 2021 and Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund Compliance and Reporting Guidance for States, Territories, and Freely Associated States, August 2024
  • Investments in equipment must be carried out in ways that comply with applicable federal laws, including Public Law 115-232, Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2019. It contains prohibitions on the use of grant funds to procure or obtain certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment provided or produced by designated entities, including certain entities owned or controlled by the People’s Republic of China. The grantee will be required to certify that it shall not provide or procure to the State of Kansas or any agency thereof any covered telecommunications equipment either in whole or in part of any product or during the commission of any service

See “Common Program Attributes” section for program requirements applicable to both the Public Wi-Fi and Equipment Distribution sub-programs.

Thank you for providing public comments regarding the Kansas CPF Infrastructure Program application. The Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD) greatly appreciates your participation in this process to ensure that grant funds are directed to areas lacking broadband services. Your public comment as a challenger enabled KOBD to direct grant funds to communities in need of broadband services and where broadband projects have not been planned with private funds. KOBD is excited about your efforts to expand broadband to underserved Kansans. Please note that each public comment will require its own submission that will be identified by the public comment number. Your input is critical to ensuring that all Kansans have access to high-speed broadband services in the future.


Closeout reporting is required within 45 days of project completion. Project completion and KOBD approval of the closeout report are required prior to KOBD issuing the final payment. KOBD’s closeout process includes the following:

  • Validation that the broadband infrastructure project build has been completed and can provide service at      all approved locations at the service level speeds specified in the approved grant application, including amendments as applicable.
  • Submission to KOBD of .kmz maps, speed test, latency, and network performance validation. KOBD will validate the final as built .kmz map versus the most recently approved map. Validation will be conducted through field validation and/or data submitted to KOBD. 
  • Submission to KOBD of the required completed financial documents and reports
Broadband- KDC